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At publisher Acco the book is translations objectively evaluates: Matrices and benchmarks appeared. The redactie is of Chris of the pond and Winibert Segers.
How do you evaluate a translation objectively? How do you measure vertaalvaardigheid in a reliable and valid manner? How do you measure the quality of a translation without measuring depends on a valuer? This book presents a treatment with matrices and benchmarks.
The main point is that you make objectivity with matrices and benchmarks increased and visible. The benchmarks - have been briefly said - no real evaluation criteria but components of (aim) a text which can be for the translator problematic and can create certain errors. By stipulating the benchmarks in advance and by knowing a certain weight to every benchmark, the evaluation and less become more controllable dependent on the evaluator.
The contributions of Chris of the pond and Winibert Segers concerning the benchmark method form the core of the book. In the other contributions several (Belgian and Dutch) formulate authors from translator training and from the professional practice their vision concerning vertaalevaluatie. These contributions place the benchmark method in a broader context.
The book has been classified in nine chapters.
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