  • 10 jan
    15:00 - 20:00

    Legalisatie (opleiding Lextra-Lingua)

    Brussel, België
  • 16 jan
    09:30 - 12:00

    Haal meer omzet uit je telefoon: workshop

    De Taalsector, Molenaarsstraat 111, 9000 Gent, België
  • 19 jan 24 jan

    COLING 2025 (31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics)

    Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • 23 jan

    Language Data Space (LDS) Country Workshop: Belgium and the Netherlands

    Breda, Nederland
  • 23 jan

    World Endangered Writing Day II

  • 31 jan

    ANELA / De Grote Taaldag

    Utrecht, Nederland

Legalisatie (opleiding Lextra-Lingua)

15:00 - 20:00
Brussel, België
Alles wat je als (beëdigd) vertaler wil weten over legalisaties.

Wat is het verschil tussen een apostille en een legalisatie? Waarom weigert BUZA mijn vertaling te legaliseren? Mag ik fouten in een brondocument verbeteren?

Een team ervaren beëdigd vertalers stelt een handige handleiding voor en een vertegenwoordiger van de dienst Legalisatie van de FOD Justitie beantwoordt alle vragen.

Meer informatie vind je op de website van Lextra Lingua.

Haal meer omzet uit je telefoon: workshop

09:30 - 12:00
De Taalsector, Molenaarsstraat 111, 9000 Gent, België
De telefoon is voor de uitbouw van je taalonderneming een potentieel bijzonder krachtig instrument. Op twee voorwaarden: dat je er een goed gevoel bij hebt én dat je wat basistechnieken onder de knie hebt.

In deze workshop bij De Taalsector in Gent word je verliefd op je telefoon en leer je met plezier én commercieel bellen met je zakenrelaties.

Deze workshop is bestemd voor taalprofessionals en taalondernemers die meer omzet uit hun telefoon willen halen.

Alle inhoudelijke en praktische informatie vind je op de website van De Taalsector.

COLING 2025 (31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics)

19 - 24 januari
Abu Dhabi, UAE
COLING, the International Conference on Computational Linguistics, is one of the premier conferences for natural language processing and computational linguistics.

First established in 1965, the biennial COLING conference is held in diverse parts of the globe and attracts participants from many research centers.

Today, the most important developments in our field are taking place not only in universities and academic research institutes but also in industrial research departments, including tech startups.

COLING provides opportunities for all these communities to showcase their exciting discovery.

For more information, please visit the conference website.

Language Data Space (LDS) Country Workshop: Belgium and the Netherlands

Breda, Nederland
The European Language Data Space, Instituut voor de Nederlandse Taal and Ghent University are bringing together experts from the Belgian and Dutch Industry, Public Administration and Research to discuss the importance of language data for the development of Language Technologies and AI-based tools in Europe.

The workshop is open to everybody and is mainly addressed to data owners and data providers, LT developers and SMEs, as well as to public administration executives, officers and partners.

For more information, please visit the Language Data Space website of the European Commission.

World Endangered Writing Day II

A day of talks, discussions, activities, awards and games in support of the world’s minority and indigenous scripts and their communities.

The world has 300 writing systems, but 90% of them are threatened—not used for official purposes, not taught in schools, ignored or actively suppressed.

This crisis is almost universally ignored. There are no degree programs in writing systems or script loss, no government agencies dedicated to addressing the issue, no funding available for research or revival.

First launched on January 23rd 2024, World Endangered Writing Day is starting to change all that.

The inaugural event introduced community members from all over the world working to save their cultures by saving their scripts, scholars studying rare writing systems and typographers designing fonts for minority languages.

The second edition of World Endangered Writing Day, on January 23rd, 2025, will:
  • premiere a documentary about a remarkable script from the Philippines used by Mangyans to carve their own unique form of poetry into bamboo;
  • showcase a new syllabary from South Africa based on the artwork traditionally used to paint logograms on houses;
  • present a gallery of calligraphers who are reviving their scripts through art;
  • discuss the development of fonts for the world’s least-used languages;
  • explore the emerging world of Wikipedia sites created by minority communities—in their own languages and scripts;
  • learn about the revival of the Amazigh people of North Africa;
  • analyze forms of writing from all over the world that expand our understanding of what writing is, and what it can do.

Once again the Endangered Alphabets project will be presenting certificate awards in several categories to people who are doing outstanding work to revive their scripts and cultures, and giving away books in or about minority scripts.

And on the lighter side, the website at will offer a quiz and an online game, both with prizes.

The live events begin at 8:00 EST. Join people across the globe to celebrate and support efforts in preserving writing systems as part of humanity's intangible cultural heritage.

Register free for the livestream activities at

ANELA / De Grote Taaldag

Utrecht, Nederland
The Dutch Association of Applied Linguistics is organizing the AVT/Anéla/LOT Language Day Conference 2025 in Utrecht, The Netherlands on January 31st.

De Grote Taaldag is een gezamenlijk initiatief van de Algemene Vereniging voor Taalwetenschap (AVT), Anéla (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toegepaste Taalwetenschap) en de Landelijke Onderzoekschool Taalkunde (LOT).

'Traditiegetrouw is dit een dag waarop we alle collega’s in Nederland en Vlaanderen weer even kunnen zien en spreken, en waarop we elkaar op de hoogte brengen van actueel onderzoek in de (toegepaste) taalkunde.'

For more information, see

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