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"Translations objectively evaluate: Matrices and benchmarks" is the title of a new book that is published by publishing Acco. The authors are Chris Van de Poel and Winibert Segers.

How do you evaluate objectively a translation? How to meet your vertaalvaardigheid on a reliable and valid way? How do you measure the quality of a translation without the measurement depends on an evaluator? This book suggests an approach with matrices and benchmarks.

The starting point is that you increase the objectivity with matrices and benchmarks. You make the objectivity also visible. The benchmarks are no real evaluation criteria. They are elements of a text which could be problematic for the translator. They can give rise to certain errors. The evaluation will be easier to verify and less dependent on the evaluator, if you pre-determine the benchmarks, and if you have a certain weight assigned to each benchmark.

The contributions of Chris Van de Poel and Winibert Segers on ijkpuntenmethode form the core of the book. Several (Belgian and Dutch) authors from the translation and the professional practice formulate their vision of the vertaalevaluatie in other contributions.

These contributions place the ijkpuntenmethode in a broader context.

The book is divided into nine chapters.
