ALT-EDIC zoekt een directeur voor de Alliance for Language Technologies.

ALT-EDIC seeks a Director who will lead the Alliance for Language Technologies. The mission of the Director is to lead ALT-EDIC development to fully mature and operational services. 

ALT-EDIC seeks a Director who will lead the Alliance for Language Technologies EDIC (ALT-EDIC), a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (one of the first), aimed at developing a common European infrastructure in Language Technologies, focusing particularly on Large Language Models. It seeks to improve European competitiveness, increase the availability of European language data and uphold Europe’s linguistic diversity and cultural richness.

The ALT-EDIC was officially set up on February 7th, 2024, by decision of the European Commission. Coordinated by France, the ALT-EDIC counts twelve Members States and seven observing Member States. 

Contract: Full time employment for three years, renewable

Gross Salary rate: From €124.092 to €166.056/annum depending on qualifications and seniority.

Location: Premises of the ALT-EDIC Statutory Seat – Cité internationale de la langue française, Château de Villers-Cotterêts

Application deadline (CET): 31st May 2024, 12:00 CET

For more information, please visit the European Language Data Space website.

Background / context

The ALT-EDIC’s action plan focuses on five thematic areas:

  1. Action 1. Data: develop a central platform for European language resources and collect high-quality data sets, building on the Language Data Space. Creating strategic data for low-resource languages will be a particular focus.
  2. Action 2. Existing language models: gather open-source models, fine-tune, reduce and optimise them for use in European SMEs, and provide methodologies for their evaluation, certification, and normalisation.
  3. Action 3. New language models: launch new open-source models (including models with multimodal capabilities), efficiently coordinate access to EuroHPC computers for EU companies and industries and provide support to public and private experts to develop new models.
  4. Action 4. Evaluation, certification, and normalization: provide methodologies to address potential discrimination and bias introduced by natural language processing.
  5. Action 5. Ecosystem: develop a start-up incubator for businesses participating in the EDIC, promote links between industry and research, act as a key player of the European coordinated plan on AI, bring together and strengthen the LT community, provide dedicated support to institutions for investing in LT, and develop cultural programmes based on AI for language.

ALT-EDIC operates on a non-commercial basis, although it may carry out limited commercial activities, provided they are closely related to its principal tasks and that they do not compromise the achievement thereof. Any income generated by these limited economic activities is used by ALT-EDIC to further its purpose.

For more information, see