Ghent (Belgium), Giorgio Vassallo - “Today’s networked society has generated an increasing number of contexts where multilingualism challenges current knowledge representation methods and techniques. There is thus the urgent need for high-quality multilingual knowledge resources that are able to bridge communication barriers, and which can be linked and shared.”

The 11th Terminology and Artificial Intelligence (TIA) Conference will take place in Granada, Spain on 4-6 November 2015. The conference is being organised by the LexiCon research group of the Translation and Interpreting School at the University of Granada. This will be the first edition of the conference held outside of France.

Topics will include, but not be limited to:

-    Terminology for machine translation
-    Multilinguality and multimodality in terminological resources
-    Multilingual terminology extraction
-    Terminological resources in the 21st century
-    Lexicons and ontologies as a means for knowledge transfer
-    Ontology localisation
-    Interoperability in knowledge-based tools
-    Harmonization of formats and standards
-    New R&D directions in terminology for industrial uses

Various plenary speakers have been confirmed by the event, such as Paul Buitelaar from the National University of Ireland and Ricardo Mairal Usón, from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

The event will also offer a Posters and Demonstrations Track where demonstrations work in the fields related to the conference can be submitted. These demonstrations are intended to show new implementations and technologies. The deadline for the poster submission is on 10 September.

The full programme will be available soon on the event website.

The event will also host special workshops. One workshop will focus on using the Sketch Engine, a lexicography tool used by the Oxford and Cambridge University Presses as a terminology tool. The workshop will also examine ways that the Sketch Engine can be integrated by translators and terminologists into their workflows.

More information is available at the link below.!tia2015/c12u6/Home.html